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Association Pro Refugiu a Romanian organization with expertise in implementing projects on issues linked to human trafficking, train professionals on protection and promotion of victims’ rights, advocacy for improving the national legislation in accordance with EU and international regulations.   Projects implemented in this area with the support of European Commission Programs, EEA Financial Mechanism Grants 2009-2014/ Norway Grants, private donors. Regarding the assistance services, the organization is focused mainly of legal assistance, and additionally it provide also social and psychological support. Through continuous trainings the organization created a national network of legal, social and health professionals. It is also involved in periodic researches on human trafficking, migration phenomenon. As target groups alongside victims of human trafficking, the organization pays a special attention also to asylum seekers and refugees. In the last few years the organization managed to develop strong partnerships with Romanian and foreign institutions and organizations active in the field of fight against human trafficking and it is a member of two international networks Global Alliance against Trafficking in Women and Child Rights International Network.

National Institute for Magistracy is the competent Romanian institution (under the coordination of Superior Council for Magistracy) that is focused on continuous trainings for judges and prosecutors. The institution had developed during time a special training curricula promoting trainings practice-oriented alongside theoretical legal approach. The institute had being actively involved in various actions coordinated by EJTN members (European Judicial Training Network) as well as other Romanian institutions / organizations.

Scandinavian Human Rights Lawyers (SHRL) is a Non-Governmental Organization working to promote and protect human rights and freedoms. SHRL is a member of the EU Fundamental Rights Agency Network and implements an effective strategy of advocacy, networking and education on legal issues.  SHRL offer legal assistance to victims of human trafficking and have provided legal information upon the policies and strategies undertaken in Sweden to fight against trafficking for sexual exploitation, to representatives from several countries. SHRL has organized the campaign „Not for sale“, calling for more measures to support victims of trafficking and has promoted the Nordic model on prostitution and human trafficking to organizations, government officials  and stakeholders through trainings, lectures and events. SHRL has have supported the Council of Europe Special Rapporteur on Human Trafficking with information regarding the Nordic model and participated in the Council of Europe Witness Series due to the Council of Europe Report Prostitution, Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery in Europe.

KOK is the German NGO network and coordination office against trafficking in human beings. Currently, KOK consists of 37 member organisations across Germany. KOK aims to promote the human rights of trafficked persons and other migrants experiencing violence. It addresses trafficking and other forms of violence against migrants as a severe violation of human rights. KOK coordinates the endeavours and efforts of its member organisations and other stakeholders involved in the issue of human trafficking. It transforms the experiences gained in grassroot counselling centres into political strategies. KOK informs policy makers, scientists, civil society and governmental and intergovernmental stakeholders on the complexity of anti-trafficking policies, and guarantees knowledge sharing across different levels. The work carried out by KOK is supported by the German Ministry for Family, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth. On a regular basis KOK carries out trainings on different forms of trafficking, on the legal framework having as target groups police officers, lawyers, prosecutors and judges.

ECPAT Germany has many years of experiences with lobby and advocacy work, awareness rising work, trainings and train the trainer seminars. Since 2005 ECPAT Deutschland e.V. performs trainings concerning sexual exploitation of children. ECPAT Deutschland e.V. is a network of 29 member organizations with a board and has a national office. Beside the cooperation with the member organisations ECPAT works together with partners from other child rights organisation, NGOs in the field of development cooperation, authorities and ministries, for example youth welfare authorities and institutions, migration authorities and organisations and the police. Also during the years ECPAT joined several transnational projects.

Bulgarian Gender Research Foundation (BGRF)  was founded in June 1998 with the aim to promote and to contribute to the achievement of gender equality and social justice, in compliance with the universal and regional standards in the field of human rights and the universally recognized values of democracy. The NGO representatives participated in the elaboration of the Anti- Trafficking law in Bulgaria and in the elaboration of the  National Coordination mechanism for protection of trafficking victims within the National Commission for combating trafficking in Human Beings. The BGRF was the leading partner in the EU project “ Lawyers against trafficking” where a detailed report on the issues of legal aid and compensation for trafficked persons was released. The most recent project finalized was the project on Early Legal Intervention /ELI/ for trafficked person, where a report and a Toolkit for ELI was released and disseminated. The NGO provides legal counselling for trafficked victims and victims of GBV and initiates and supports legal cases before the ECtHR and under the OP to CEDAW- Bevacqua and S. v. Bulgaria, support to C.Z. v. Bulgaria, and before the CEDAW Committee- V.K. v. Bulgaria /support/, Jallow v. Bulgaria, V.P.P. v. Bulgaria.

The BGRF has branches and offices in Haskovo and Plovdiv and an office in V. Tarnovo. The NGOs is a coordinating member of the Alliance for Protection from GBV in Bulgaria which unites also the major NGOs working for protection of trafficking victims.